I love this time of year! Here's why...
/It's such a joy to anticipate client feedback!
Happy days! This is the time of year where I begin my annual reflection on my life as a Devon wedding photographer. With only one wedding of the season left to go, i've got a happy mind full of all of the weddings that I have photographed over the course of the year. From photographing many weddings in Devon to travelling to the far flung corners of the UK this year, photographing weddings as far afield as Norfolk and Kent. As I work through my editing pile, my emotions are a mix of feeling excited about having a few weekend's off stretching ahead and an end-of-season wistfulness for those long days packed full of love, light, happiness and aching feet! It is strange how each season falls in a different pattern. This time last year I was just about to jet off to photograph my first destination wedding and become a Singapore wedding photographer for the week. What an amazing adventure that was! And on my return to the UK I still had several weddings stretching up until Christmas. This year, the same number of weddings photographed in total across the year, have fallen in an intense 6 months in the middle. It's been wonderful / crazy! There have been months where I have literally eaten, slept and breathed weddings and nothing else between. The best thing about it all? My clients!! My lovely, wonderful, fun, chilled, happy and memorable clients.
I feel very privileged that as a documentary wedding photographer, I attract very likeminded clients who share a similar vision, and as a result, I now count quite a few of my clients as friends. As my experience as a documentary wedding photographer has grown, I have learned the importance of meeting my prospective clients before booking and having a good in-depth chat of what their vision for their wedding is - and checking that it marries up (sorry - can't resist a pun!) with the style that I am offering. The upmost important thing to me, at the end of the day, is that my clients LOVE their images. I know, I know - that sounds rather obvious - but it really, truly matters to me - to the very core of my being, not just to 'Amy Sampson the Businesswoman'.
I think most wedding photographers will tell you that an immense amount of passion, love and being goes into our work. A joyous email when one of my clients has seen their photographs is what fires the very belly of my soul! So this leads me in a convoluted fashion to my blog post to say how chuffed I am to be a nominee for both The Wedding Industry Awards and the South West Wedding Awards this year. The voting process involves feedback from my clients, and at the end, once all voting and judging is over, I receive two most precious and eagerly anticipated emails - the contents of which are the anonymous list of comments my clients have left when voting for me. Waiting for those emails, reading that feedback - it is better than all my Christmases put together at once!!