Dawn and Graham's Trevenna Barns Winter Wedding
/ Trevenna Barn/ Amy SampsonSaturday saw me driving to Cornwall to photograph my first wedding of 2020, that of the lovely Dawn and Graham who were getting wed at one of my all-time favourite venues, Trevenna Barns. After only returning to Devon from warmer climes the previous week, it was a bit of a shock to see snow on the morning of Dawn and Graham’s big day. In fact, the wonderful Cornish winter weather decided to throw snow, rain, hail, sleet AND sunshine at us, all in the course of one day - which was really rather fantastic (in between needing to pop outside to photograph some family shots!). It really couldn’t have been a better wedding with which to kick of my 2020 season as a wedding photographer, highlights of the day include: the crazy weather; seeing all the spring flowers around Trevenna’s grounds; the incredible warmth between Dawn and her bridal party; Dawn’s sister’s reaction to seeing her in her wedding dress - lump-in-throat moment; getting some bonus Collie time; Dawn looking so elegant in her dress; Graham making an impressive attempt at his speech despite not having much of a voice left and Covonia on hand to save the day; seeing one of my couple’s from last summer, Charlotte and Dave, at the wedding as guests - always lovely; Dawn and Graham’s wonderfully relaxed approach to being blown around in the wind when they took a stroll for some couple shots, especially with Dawn’s dress having a mind of its own and wrapping all around her; the first dance and dance floor - glow sticks, sparkles and all sorts - I even got decorated with sparkles myself, good times. Dawn and Graham, it was an absolute pleasure to photograph your amazing winter wedding day and I wish you both every happiness for your wedded future together.