My first time as Wedding-Photographer-come-Bridesmaid - Nay & Jon's Big Day!
/So this wedding photographer assignment was a rather special one for me, for not only was I photographing one of my dearest and longest standing friend’s wedding but I was also on bridesmaid duty too!! Never before have I a) felt quite so glamorous whilst photographing a wedding and b) been so worried that I might trip over whilst walking backward down the aisle! Nay and Jon’s Hampshire double-day wedding started with an emotional and heartfelt intimate ceremony at the registry office with close family and friends. An extra-special dimension to the ceremonies were that they were conducted by Lou, Nay’s Matron of Honour - another bridesmaid on wedding duty. A great way to make everything feel that much more personal! The registry ceremony was followed by a delicious brunch, and then it was time to get all set for the big day itself at the lovely Skylark Golf Club in Hampshire.
It was a (very) chilly but thankfully dry day as us girls got ready at Nay and Jon’s house, with me flitting between getting my hair and dress ready whilst catching a bit of Nay getting ready! Then it was time to head off to the Skylark, camera logistics nailed, I started to feel surprisingly nervous about walking up the aisle first - never normally something I give second though to, but then I’m not normally dressed as a bridesmaid! Another in the line of of Nay’s friends on duty was Tim who played a beautiful piano solo whilst we all walked up the aisle. Successfully reaching the top of the aisle without tripping it was time to swap my bouquet for my camera. It was a gorgeous ceremony, and windy confetti shots done it was time to head over for champagne and nibbles, not forgetting a spin in the golf buggy! Highlights of the day: Nay and Jon getting married- obvs!; Their daughter Victoria, and niece Primrose stealing the show as flower girls; being bridesmaid for my dearest friend; seeing old friends from the Isles of Scilly that i’d not seen for 20 years; the food - tasty; and the dancing - we did a lot! It was a fantastic couple of days, and such an honour to be such a big part of Nay and Jon’s big day (x2). Enjoy of my rambling…onto the photos (those eagle-eyed may spot a couple of group shots I asked someone to take to evidence my presence!). Nay, Jon - I am wishing the two of you a very long and happy marriage together, thank you for allowing me to be such a big part of your day!! Love you lots xx